Shoelace Components

This package simplifies the use of Shoelace library web components. For better component preview, visit in a separate tab.


All Components












Color Picker

Copy Button

Details (Accordion)





Icon Button

Image Comparer


Progress Bar

Progress Ring

QR Code

Range Slider





Split Panel






*For feedback or bug reports, contact me on Discord: kamilnader


  • Alert

    Alerts are used to display important messages.


    I will be gone based on duration set!

    This is super informative

    You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

    Your changes have been saved

    You can safely exit the app now.

    Your settings have been updated

    Settings will take effect on next login.

    Your session has ended

    Please login again to continue.

    Your account has been deleted

    We’re very sorry to see you go!

    Show Alert


    show-icon Boolean value: "true" = show icon. "false" = hide icon.
    icon Icon name: Find your icon here:
    theme "light" or "dark".
    isopen Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Show or Hide on page load.
    Variant Choose between: ("primary", "success", "neutral", "warning", "danger").
    closable Boolean ("true"/"false"). Show or hide close icon.
    id Set the ID of alert (Useful for Toast effect).


    showAlert Action accepts id of alert. Upon calling the action, the alert will show. Tip: Set the parent element of the alert to fixed to have the toast effect.


    alert-show Emitted when the alert opens. 
    alert-hide Emitted when the alert closes. 
    alert-show-after Emitted after the alert opens and all animations are complete. 
    alert-hide-after Emitted after the alert closes and all animations are complete. 
  • Animation

    Animate any element.


    Animate text


    name Animation name. Animations are based on those found in the popular Animate.css library:
    play Boolean ("true", "false"). Play on load.
    easing Example: "easeInOut".
    duration In milliseconds.
    iterations number to repeat.


    Avatars are used to represent a person or object.


    show-icon Boolean ("true"/"false").
    icon Icon name: Find your icon here:
    image URL of the image.
    label For assistive devices.
    shape Choose between: "rounded", "square", "circle".
    theme "light" or "dark".
    initials Instead of icon or image you can also use Initials. Example: (KN).


    Badges are used to draw attention and display statuses or counts.

    19 Requests
    5 Warnings
    3 Errors


    pill Boolean value. Draws a pill-style badge with rounded edges.
    pulse Boolean value. Makes the badge pulsate to draw attention.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    variant Choose between: ("primary", "success", "neutral", "warning", "danger").
    slot This is only used if the badge is nested within another Shoelace component. For example: within the Menu Item component, it can be placed to the left as "prefix" and to the right as "suffix.


    Breadcrumbs provide a group of links so users can easily navigate a website’s hierarchy. You can use icon component for changing default separator.

    Home Articles Traveling Documents Security Traveling First Second Third

    Attributes (breadcrumb)

    theme light or dark.
    label The label to use for the breadcrumb control. This will not be shown on the screen, but it will be announced by screen readers and other assistive devices to provide more context for users.

    Attributes (breadcrumb-item)

    href Optional URL to direct the user to when the breadcrumb item is activated. When set, a link will be rendered internally. When unset, a button will be rendered instead.
    target Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when href is set. Choose between: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' | undefined
    rel The rel attribute to use on the link. Only used when href is set. Defualt is: 'noreferrer noopener'


    Buttons represent actions that are available to the user.

    Default Primary Success Neutral Warning Danger


    icon Empty no icon or pass the Icon name: Find your icon here:
    icon-position "left" or "right".
    link This adds href attribute, which will make the component render an <a> under the hood. This gives you all the default link behavior the browser provides (e.g. CMD/CTRL/SHIFT + CLICK) and exposes the target and download attributes.
    size Choose between: "small", "medium", "large".
    shape Choose between: "pill" and "circle".
    theme "dark" or "light".
    loading Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Draws the button in a loading state.
    outline Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Draws an outlined button.
    variant Choose between: ("primary", "success", "neutral", "warning", "danger").
    disabled Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Disables the button.
    download_file_name Name of the file downloaded.
    link_open_new_tab Boolean ("true"/ "false").
    class You can add a custom class to the button.
    id You can add a custom id to the button.
    slot Example usage: when a button is a child of a dropdown component, the slot attribute should be set to "trigger""


    click Button click event


    Carousels display an arbitrary number of content slides along a horizontal or vertical axis.

    The sun shines on the mountains and trees (by Adam Kool on Unsplash) The sun shines on the mountains and trees (by Adam Kool on Unsplash) The sun shines on the mountains and trees (by Adam Kool on Unsplash) The sun shines on the mountains and trees (by Adam Kool on Unsplash)


    loop Boolean value. When set, allows the user to navigate the carousel in the same direction indefinitely.
    style Use the --aspect-ratio custom property to customize the size of the carousel’s viewport from the default value of 16/9.
    --aspect-ratio: 3/2; or --aspect-ratio: 1/1;
    theme "light" or "dark".
    images Array of images
    autoplay Boolean value. The carousel will automatically advance when the autoplay attribute is used.
    navigation Boolean value. When set, show the carousel’s navigation.
    pagination Boolean value. When set, show the carousel’s pagination indicators.
    slides-per-move Advance more than once slide at a time.
    slides-per-page Specifies how many slides should be shown at a given time.
    autoplay-interval Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between each automatic scroll.

    Events (Coming soon)

    eventName Description of event


    Checkboxes allow the user to toggle an option on or off.

    Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox


    size Choose between: "small", "medium", "large".
    theme "light" or "dark".
    checked Boolean value. Draws the checkbox in a checked state.
    indeterminate Boolean value. Draws the checkbox in an indeterminate state. This is usually applied to checkboxes that represents a “select all/none” behavior when associated checkboxes have a mix of checked and unchecked states.
    disabled Boolean value. Disables the checkbox.
    help-text The checkbox’s help text. If you need to display HTML, use the help-text slot instead.
    required Makes the checkbox a required field.
    class Add class name for additional styling.


    checked Emitted when the checked state changes.
    Output: True or False

    Color Picker

    Color pickers allow the user to select a color.


    size Choose between: "small", "medium", "large".
    label The color picker’s label. This will not be displayed, but it will be announced by assistive devices.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    value The current value of the color picker.
    format Valid options include hex, rgb, hsl, and hsv.
    inline Renders the color picker inline rather than in a dropdown.
    swatches One or more predefined color swatches to display as presets in the color picker. Can include any format the color picker can parse, including HEX(A), RGB(A), HSL(A), HSV(A), and CSS color names. Each color must be separated by a semicolon (;).
    show-opacity Boolean (true, false). Shows the opacity slider. Enabling this will cause the formatted value to be HEXA, RGBA, or HSLA.


    sl-change Emitted when the color picker’s value changes.

    Copy Button

    Copies text data to the clipboard when the user clicks the trigger. Color is taken from the parent element.


    value_to_copy Copies text data to the clipboard when the user clicks the trigger.
    copy_from_id You can copy content from other elements on the page by passing the id of the element. If you want to copy the value of the input element, then pass the id.value. If you want to copy the link from a tag, then enter id.[href]
    disabled Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Disables the copy button.
    custom_icons Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Enables option to add custom icon for copy-icon, error-icon and success-icon.
    copy-icon The icon to show in the default copy state.
    error-icon The icon to show when a copy error occurs.
    success-icon The icon to show when the content is copied.
    copy-tooltip Copy buttons displayed feedback in a tooltip. You can customize the label when hover or click.
    error-tooltip Copy buttons displayed feedback in a tooltip. You can customize the label when there is an error.
    success_tooltip Copy buttons displayed feedback in a tooltip. You can customize the label when there is a success.

    Events (Coming soon)

    eventName Description of event


    Details show a brief summary and expand to show additional content.

    This is a paragraph of text

    This is a paragraph of text

    This is a paragraph of text


    theme "light" or "dark".
    sumarry The summary to show in the header. If you need to display HTML, use the summary slot instead.
    disabled Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Disables the details so it can’t be toggled.
    accordion-logic Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Details are designed to function independently, but you can simulate a group or “accordion” where only one is shown at a time.

    Dialog (Modal)

    Dialogs, sometimes called “modals”, appear above the page and require the user’s immediate attention.


    This is a paragraph of text

    Open Dialog

    To trigger dialog you need to put button next to dialog component. After that you can nest dialog main content inside dialog component. You can also nest button and set it's slot to "footer". This will Close the dialog on button click. You can also nest icon-button component and set it's slot to "header-actions". This will add aditional links in the header. When using slots that are not default, use components slots attributes instead of toddle slots feature


    theme "light" or "dark".
    label The dialog’s label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label. If you need to display HTML, use the label slot instead. The label inherits color from parent element.
    style --width The preferred width of the dialog. Note that the dialog will shrink to accommodate smaller screens.
    --header-spacing The amount of padding to use for the header.
    --body-spacing The amount of padding to use for the body.
    --footer-spacing The amount of padding to use for the footer.
    id Dialog ID. Useful for Actions for opening and closing.


    • openDialogByID

      Open dialog


      id dialog id
    • hideDialogById

      Hide dialog. Useful for hiding dialog inside dialog. Or having a flow of dialogs.


      id dialog id
    Next Step
    Close Dialog


    Drawers slide in from a container to expose additional options and information.

    This is a paragraph of text

    Open Drawer

    This is a paragraph of text

    Open Drawer

    This is a paragraph of text

    Open Drawer

    This is a paragraph of text

    Open Drawer

    To trigger drawer you need to put button next to drawer component. After that you can nest drawer's main content inside drawer component. You can also nest button and set it's slot to "footer". This will Close the drawer on button click. You can also nest icon-button component and set it's slot to "header-actions". This will add aditional links in the header. When using slots that are not default, use components slots attributes instead of toddle slots feature


    theme "light" or "dark".
    label The drawer's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label. If you need to display HTML, use the label slot instead. The label inherits color from parent element.
    placement The direction from which the drawer will open. 'top' | 'end' | 'bottom' | 'start'. Default is 'end'.
    style --size The preferred size of the drawer. This will be applied to the drawer’s width or height depending on its placement. Note that the drawer will shrink to accommodate smaller screens.
    --header-spacing The amount of padding to use for the header.
    --body-spacing The amount of padding to use for the body.
    --footer-spacing The amount of padding to use for the footer.
    id Drawer ID. Useful for Actions for opening and closing.


    • openDrawerById

      Open drawer


      id drawer id
    • hideDrawerById

      Hide drawer. Useful for hiding drawer inside drawer. Or having a flow of drawers.


      id drawer id
    Next step


    Dropdowns expose additional content that “drops down” in a panel.

    Dropdowns consist of a trigger and a panel. By default, activating the trigger will expose the panel and interacting outside of the panel will close it.

    Undo Redo Submenus Find Find... Find Next Find Previous Text Make uppercase Make lowercase Capitalize Dropdown Undo Redo Submenus Find Find... Find Next Find Previous Text Make uppercase Make lowercase Capitalize Dropdown

    All dropdowns contain two elements. In the above example: a Button and a Menu, both children of the Dropdown. The Button should have its 'slot' attribute set to 'trigger'.


    theme dark or light.
    placement The preferred placement of the dropdown panel. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the panel inside of the viewport. Choose between: 'top' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'right' | 'right-start' | 'right-end' | 'left' | 'left-start' | 'left-end'
    distance The distance from the panel to the trigger can be customized using the distance attribute. This value is specified in pixels.
    disabled Boolean value: Disables the dropdown so the panel will not open.
    skidding The offset of the panel along the trigger can be customized using the skidding attribute. This value is specified in pixels.
    hoist Boolean value: Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with overflow: auto|scroll. Hoisting uses a fixed positioning strategy that works in many, but not all, scenarios.


    sl-select When dropdowns are used with menus, you can listen for the sl-select event to determine which menu item was selected.


    Icons are symbols that can be used to represent various options within an application. Shoelace comes bundled with over 1,500 icons courtesy of the Bootstrap Icons project. Color is taken from the parent element.


    icon-name Icon name: Find your icon here:
    label An alternate description to use for assistive devices. If omitted, the icon will be considered presentational and ignored by assistive devices.
    style Icons inherit their color from the current text color. Icons are sized relative to the current font size.
    slot Use if needed, when icon is child of another SL component.

    Icon Button

    Icons buttons are simple, icon-only buttons that can be used for actions and in toolbars. Color is taken from the parent element.


    icon-name Icon name: Find your icon here:
    label An alternate description to use for assistive devices. If omitted, the icon will be considered presentational and ignored by assistive devices.
    style Icons inherit their color from the current text color. Icons are sized relative to the current font size.
    link Convert the button to a link. Enter URL.
    link-new-tab Boolean field. True for opening in new tab.
    disabled Boolean field. Use the disabled attribute to disable the icon button.
    slot Only needed if you are using icon-button as a child of other shoelace component.

    Image Comparer

    Compare visual differences between similar photos with a sliding panel.

    Grayscale version of kittens in a basket looking around. Color version of kittens in a basket looking around.


    theme "light" or "dark".
    position The position of the divider as a percentage.


    Menus provide a list of options for the user to choose from. Menu is made of multiple components (menu, menu-item, divider, menu-label).

    Watch Demo
    Home 3 Messages Settings 3 Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Submenus Find Find... Find Next Find Previous Text Make uppercase Make lowercase Capitalize

    Attributes (menu)

    theme dark or light.
    submenu Boolean value. True for having menu inside menu.
    style Set width of the menu. Example: "max-width: 200px;" or "width: 200px;"

    Attributes (menu-item)

    value The value attribute can be used to assign a hidden value, such as a unique identifier, to a menu item. When an item is selected, the sl-select event will be emitted and a reference to the item will be available.
    type The type of menu item to render. To use checked, this value must be set to "checkbox". Default is "normal".
    checked Boolean value. Draws the item in a checked state.
    loading Boolean value. Draws the menu item in a loading state.
    disabled Boolean value. Draws the menu item in a disabled state, preventing selection.

    Attributes (divider)

    vertical Boolean value. Draws the divider in a vertical orientation.
    style Use the --width custom property to change the width of the divider. Use the --color custom property to change the color of the divider. Use the --spacing custom property to change the amount of space between the divider and it’s neighboring elements.


    sl-select Emitted when a menu item is selected. The output is the value of the menu-item

    Progress Bar

    Progress bars are used to show the status of an ongoing operation.


    label A custom label for assistive devices.
    style --height : The progress bar’s height.
    --track-color : The color of the track.
    --indicator-color : The color of the indicator.
    --label-color: The color of the label.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    value The current progress as a percentage, 0 to 100.
    indeterminate Boolean ("true"/ "false"). When true, percentage is ignored, the label is hidden, and the progress bar is drawn in an indeterminate state.

    Progress Ring

    Progress rings are used to show the progress of a determinate operation in a circular fashion.


    label A custom label for assistive devices.
    style --size : The diameter of the progress ring (cannot be a percentage).
    --track-width : The width of the track.
    --track-color : The color of the track.
    --indicator-width : The width of the indicator. Defaults to the track width.
    --indicator-color : The color of the indicator.
    --indicator-transition-duration : The duration of the indicator’s transition when the value changes.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    value The current progress as a percentage, 0 to 100.

    QR Code

    QR codes are useful for providing small pieces of information to users who can quickly scan them with a smartphone. Most smartphones have built-in QR code scanners, so simply pointing the camera at a QR code will decode it and allow the user to visit a website, dial a phone number, read a message, etc.


    value The QR code’s value.
    label The label for assistive devices to announce. If unspecified, the value will be used instead.
    label Use the placement attribute to set the preferred placement of the tooltip. ("top-start", "top", "top-end", "left-start", "right-start", "left", "right", "left-end", "right-end", "bottom-start", "bottom", "bottom-end").
    size The size of the QR code, in pixels. Default is "128".
    fill The fill color. This can be any valid CSS color.
    background The background color. This can be any valid CSS color or transparent.
    radius The edge radius of each module. Must be between 0 and 0.5.
    error-correction The level of error correction to use. Learn more

    Range Slider

    Ranges allow the user to select a single value within a given range using a slider.


    max The maximum acceptable value of the range.
    min The minimum acceptable value of the range.
    step The interval at which the range will increase and decrease.
    label The range’s label.
    style --thumb-size : The size of the thumb.
    --tooltip-offset: The vertical distance the tooltip is offset from the track.
    --track-color-active: The color of the portion of the track that represents the current value.
    --track-color-inactive: The of the portion of the track that represents the remaining value.
    --track-height: The height of the track.
    --track-active-offset: The point of origin of the active track.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    tooltip The preferred placement of the range’s tooltip. "top" or "bottom".
    disabled Disables the range.

    Events (Coming soon)

    eventName Description of event


    Ratings give users a way to quickly view and provide feedback.


    theme "light" or "dark".
    max The highest rating to show.
    value The current rating.
    precision The precision at which the rating will increase and decrease. For example, to allow half-star ratings, set this attribute to 0.5.
    label A label that describes the rating to assistive devices.
    show-icon Boolean value. True/False. True for custom icon. Enter the icon name in icon attribute.
    icon Icon name: Find your icon here:
    style Adjust the size: "--symbol-size: 2rem;"
    disabled Disable the rating.
    readonly Makes the rating readonly.

    Events (Coming soon)

    eventName Description of event


    Selects allow you to choose items from a menu of predefined options.

    Option one Option two Option two Option one Option two Option two


    pill Boolean value. Give selects rounded edges.
    size Choose between: small, medium, large.
    label The select’s label.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    filled Boolean value. Draws a filled select.
    disabled Boolean ("true"/ "false").
    clearable Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Make the control clearable.
    help-text The select’s help text.
    placement The preferred placement of the select’s menu. "top" or "bottom".
    placeholder Placeholder text to show as a hint when the select is empty.
    multiple Boolean value. True for selecting multiple options.
    value set the inital value of select
    required Boolean field. Makes the select a required field in a form.


    sl-select Emitted when a select option is selected. The output is option value.


    Skeletons are used to provide a visual representation of where content will eventually be drawn.


    style --border-radius : The skeleton’s border radius.
    --color : The color of the skeleton.
    --sheen-color : The sheen color when the skeleton is in its loading state.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    effect Determines which effect the skeleton will use. There are two built-in effects, "sheen" and "pulse". The default is "none", which displays a static, non-animated skeleton.


    Spinners are used to show the progress of an indeterminate operation.


    style --font-size: sized based on the current font size.
    --track-width: The width of the track.
    --track-color: The color of the track.
    --indicator-color: The color of the spinner’s indicator.
    --speed: The time it takes for the spinner to complete one animation cycle.
    theme "light" or "dark".

    Split Panel

    Split panels display two adjacent panels, allowing the user to reposition them.

    Watch Demo



    The Split Panel component consists of 2 child elements. Each child must have a slot set to "start" or "end," and the overflow needs to be set to "hidden."
    Set slots on attributes level and on Toddle slots section.


    theme "light" or "dark".
    initial_position To set the initial position, use the position attribute. If no position is provided, it will default to 50% of the available space. Example: "30" would equal to 30%.
    snap To snap panels at specific positions while dragging, add the snap attribute with one or more space-separated values. Values must be in pixels or percentages. For example, to snap the panel at 100px and 50%, enter value: "100px 50%".
    disabled Boolean ("true"/ "false"). Prevent the divider from being repositioned.
    style To set a minimum or maximum size of the primary panel, use the --min and --max custom properties. Since the secondary panel is flexible, size constraints can only be applied to the primary panel. If no primary panel is designated, these constraints will be applied to the start panel.
    You can also set the width of divider: --divider-width


    Switches allow the user to toggle an option on or off.


    size Choose between: "small", "medium", "large".
    style --width : The width of the switch.
    --height : The height of the switch.
    --thumb-size : The size of the thumb.
    theme "light" or "dark".
    checked Boolean value. Draws the switch in a checked state.
    disabled Boolean value. Disables the switch.
    help-text The switch’s help text.
    required Boolean field. Makes the switch a required field in a form.


    checked Emitted when the control’s checked state changes. Output True or False


    Tabs organize content into a container that shows one section at a time.

    Top Position

    General Settings Security

    You can place any content in tab


    Security Section

    Bottom Position

    General Settings Security

    You can place any content in tab


    Security Section

    Start Position

    General Settings Security

    You can place any content in tab


    Security Section

    Watch Demo

    To structure a tab, you first need to add a tab-group component. Inside the tab-group, you add tab and tab-panel components. In the attributes, make sure that the tab panel attribute is the same as the tab-panel name attribute.

    Attributes: tab-group

    placement The placement of the tabs. Choose between: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'start' | 'end'
    theme dark or light.
    style --indicator-color The color of the active tab indicator.
    --track-color The color of the indicator’s track (the line that separates tabs from panels).
    --track-width The width of the indicator’s track (the line that separates tabs from panels).

    Attributes: tab

    panel The name of the tab panel this tab is associated with. The panel must be located in the same tab group.
    disabled Disables the tab and prevents selection.

    Attributes: tab-panel

    name The tab panel’s name.


    • showTabPanel

      Open specific panel in tabs.


      tabGroupId Tab Group component ID.
      panel Name of the panel to show.


    Tags are used as labels to organize things or to indicate a selection.







    pill Boolean value. Draws a pill-style tag with rounded edges.
    size The tag’s size. Choose between: "small", "medium", "large".
    theme "light" or "dark".
    variant Choose between: ("primary", "success", "neutral", "warning", "danger").


    Tooltips display additional information based on a specific action.

    Hover Click No arrow


    theme "light" or "dark".
    content Tooltip content.
    trigger Set the trigger attribute to "click"to toggle the tooltip on click instead of hover.
    placement Use the placement attribute to set the preferred placement of the tooltip. ("top-start", "top", "top-end", "left-start", "right-start", "left", "right", "left-end", "right-end", "bottom-start", "bottom", "bottom-end").
    hoisting Boolean value: Tooltips will be clipped if they’re inside a container that has overflow: auto|hidden|scroll. The hoist attribute forces the tooltip to use a fixed positioning strategy, allowing it to break out of the container.
    style --max-width The maximum width of the tooltip before its content will wrap.
    --hide-delay The amount of time to wait before hiding the tooltip when hovering.
    --show-delay The amount of time to wait before showing the tooltip when hovering.
    --sl-tooltip-arrow-size: 0; You can control the size of tooltip arrows by overriding the --sl-tooltip-arrow-size design token. To remove them, set the value to 0 as shown below.

    Events (Coming soon)

    eventName Description of event


    Trees allow you to display a hierarchical list of selectable tree items. Items with children can be expanded and collapsed as desired by the user.

    Watch Demo
    Documents Photos birds.jpg kitten.jpg puppy.jpg Writing draft.txt final.pdf salex.xls
    Item 1 Item A Item B Item C Item 2 Item 3

    Attributes (tree)

    theme dark or light.
    selection The selection behavior of the tree. Single selection allows only one node to be selected at a time. Multiple displays checkboxes and allows more than one node to be selected. Leaf allows only leaf nodes to be selected.

    --indent-size The size of the indentation for nested items.
    --indent-guide-color The color of the indentation line.
    --indent-guide-offset The amount of vertical spacing to leave between the top and bottom of the indentation line’s starting position.
    --indent-guide-style The style of the indentation line, e.g. solid, dotted, dashed. solid
    --indent-guide-width The width of the indentation line.

    Attributes (tree-item)

    selected Boolean value. Draws the tree item in a selected state.
    expanded Boolean value. Expands the tree item.
    disabled Boolean value. Disables the tree item.
    lazy Boolean value. Enables lazy loading behavior.


    sl-selection-change Emitted when a tree item is selected. The output is the tree-item label.

    Style variables

    style-variable-name Description of style variable


    • Action A



      argumentName Description of argument


    • Formula A



      argumentName Description of argument